- Poiré, Daniel Gustavo
Person: Poiré, Daniel Gustavo
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Daniel Gustavo
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Publication Lithostratigraphy and correlations of two neoproterozoic basins from the Rio de la Plata craton, SW-Gondwana(2007) PoirĂ©, Daniel Gustavo; Gaucher, ClaudioPublication The Cambrian Ordovician siliciclastic platform of the Balcarce Formation [Tandilia System, Argentina] : facies, trace fossils, palaeoenvironments and sequence stratigraphy(2003) PoirĂ©, Daniel Gustavo; Spalleti, Luis Antonio; Del Valle, Rodolfo AugustoPublication Asociaciones icnolitolĂ³gicas de la porciĂ³n basal de la FormaciĂ³n Agrio, arroyo Loncoche, provincia de Mendoza(1998) Sagasti, Guillermina; PoirĂ©, Daniel GustavoPublication The precambrian lower paleozoic sedimentary cover of Tandilia System, Argentina(2002) PoirĂ©, Daniel GustavoPublication CaracterĂsticas sedimentolĂ³gicas de la FormaciĂ³n RĂo Seco de Los Castaños en el perfil de agua del Blanco : pre-carbonĂfero del bloque de San Rafael, Mendoza(2002) PoirĂ©, Daniel Gustavo; Cingolani, Carlos Alberto; Morel, Eduardo ManuelPublication First c and o isotopic data for the Piedras de Afilar formation (Tandilia terrane, Uruguay) : their bearing on its correlation and age(2006) PamoukaghliĂ¡n, Karina; Gaucher, Claudio; Bossi, Jorge; Sial, Alcides NĂ³brega; PoirĂ©, Daniel GustavoPublication Mesozoic clastic sequences from a jurassic rift to a Cretaceous foreland basin, Austral basin, Patagonia : Field Excursion Guide(IAS, 2010) PoirĂ©, Daniel Gustavo; Franzese, Juan RafaelPublication Vendian-Cambrian of Western Gondwana - Introduction(2004) Gaucher, Claudio; Frimmel, Hartwig E.E.; Ferreira, Valderez Pinto; PoirĂ©, Daniel GustavoPublication Biostratigraphical and sedimentological aspects of the Cambro-Ordovician strata at the Angosto de Chucalezna : new palynological data (Jujuy, NW Argentina)(2003) Aceñolaza, Florencio Gilberto; ArĂ¡oz, LucĂa; PoirĂ©, Daniel Gustavo; Vergel, MarĂa del Milagro; Albanesi, Guillermo LuisPublication PaleontologĂa y geologĂa de los sedimentos del CretĂ¡cico Superior aflorantes al sur del RĂo Shehuen [Mata Amarilla, provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina](2002) Goin, Francisco Javier; PoirĂ©, Daniel Gustavo; de la Fuente, Marcelo SaĂºl; Cione, Alberto Luis; Ferrer, Oriol; CĂ¡nessa, NĂ©stor Diego; Carloni, Andrea; Ferigolo, Jorge; Ribeiro, Ana MarĂa; Sales Viana, Maria SomĂ¡lia; Pascual, Rosendo; Reguero, Marcelo Alfredo; Vucetich, MarĂa Guiomar; Marenssi, Sergio Alfredo