- Brandoni, Diego
Person: Brandoni, Diego
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18 results
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Publication On the presence of Pyramiodontherium (mammalia, xenarthra, megatheriidae) in the late Miocene of northeastern Argentina and its biogeographical implications(2009) Brandoni, Diego; Carlini, Alfredo ArmandoPublication On megatherium gallardoi (mammalia, xenarthra, megatheriidae) and the megatheriinae from the ensenadan (lower to middle pleistocene) of the pampean region, Argentina(2008) Brandoni, Diego; Soibelzon, Esteban; Scarano, Alejo CarlosPublication Pyramiodontherium Rovereto (Xenarthra, Tardigrada, Megatheriinae) from the Early Pliocene of San Fernando, Catamarca Province, Argentina(2015) Bonini, Ricardo Adolfo; Brandoni, DiegoPublication The pes of Pyramiodontherium bergi (Moreno and Mercerat, 1891) (Mammalia, Xenartha, Phyllophaga) : the most complete pes of a Tertiary megatheriinae(2004) Brandoni, Diego; Carlini, Alfredo Armando; Pujos, Francois; Scillato-Yane, Gustavo JuanPublication Los Megatheriinae (Xenarthra, Tardigrada) del Terciario de Entre RÃos, Argentina : aspectos taxonómicos y sistemáticos(2007) Brandoni, Diego; Scillato-Yane, Gustavo JuanPublication Una nueva especie de megaterino (Xenarthra, Megatheriidae) del Mioceno TardÃo-Plioceno de Catamarca, Argentina(2002) Carlini, Alfredo Armando; Brandoni, Diego; Scillato-Yane, Gustavo Juan; Pujos, FrancoisPublication First megatheriines (Xenarthra, Phyllophaga, Megatheriidae) from the Urumaco (Late Miocene) and Codore (Pliocene) Formations, estado Falcón, Venezuela(2006) Carlini, Alfredo Armando; Brandoni, Diego; Sánchez, RodolfoPublication Los Tardigrada (Mammalia, Xenarthra) de Argentina : diversidad, evolución y biogeografÃa(2016) Brandoni, Diego; Scillato-Yane, Gustavo Juan; Miño-Boilini, Angel Ramón; Favotti, EmmanuelPublication New remains of Megathericulus patagonicus ameghino, 1904 (Xenarthra, Megatheriidae): Information on primitive features of megatheriines(2008) De Iuliis, Gerardo; Brandoni, Diego; Scillato-Yane, Gustavo JuanPublication Una nueva especie de Pyramiodontherium [Xenarthra, Megatheriidae] del Araucanense [Mioceno tardÃo] del Valle de Santa MarÃa [Catamarca, Argentina](2002) Carlini, Alfredo Armando; Brandoni, Diego; Scillato-Yane, Gustavo Juan; Pujos, Francois